Sodankyla - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
In Sodankyla I stayed in the Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory Campus as
Mr. Tauno Turunen, Professor, Director of SGO was our host. Sodankyla is where people come to see the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis. SGO is an independent research wing attached to the University of Oulu and is recognized as a centre of excellence.

At Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory (SGO)
For more details on SGO you could visit:
For info on the arctic lights, go to

Relaxing at Tauno's house
Tauno and his wife overwhelmed us with their hospitality. We were invite over to their house one night for dinner. We were surprised to hear that the house was built over a year by Tauno, his wife and his son. Tauno also has a summer house at Inari which he inherited from his parents. As both Tauno and his wife are musically inclined the evening was spent singing.

Tankavaara Museum

Tankavaara Museum
Tauno also bought me a gold pendant of a guardian angel which has found a place with my Minnu and cross pendants.

At Tauno's house
For more details on Sodankyla, you could visit:
http://www.sodankyla.fi/english.php |