The time to offer gifts to Jesus. 
After Jesus was born, the wise men came to look for him from an area which in now in either Iran or Saudi Arabia. Though they were often called "Three Kings" traditionally, the Bible does not speak about how many there were, or that they were kings. Three is the only guess because they brought with them three gifts.
They were certainly men of learning or philosophers or scientists. By seeing the unusual star in the sky, they knew that it told of the birth of a special king, and followed the direction of the star and eventually found the place where the new king of the world is born and offered the valuable rich gifts; gold, frankincense( a resin which burns with a beautiful smell) and myrrh ( plant oil with a very strong sweet smell).
Those kings offered the rich treasures to Jesus, the maximum they could. We are also invited to exchange gift to Jesus but he is not found because he was bourn in the history but he is born in every slums, roadside, in the miserable poverty. While we exchange our Christmas gift to our friends and dear ones... here comes a voice from our conciseness that... am I really exchange it to my brother who are in need of my physical support. The time is near at hand to share our beings to the less fortunate and they never can be returned to you but a virtue is marked on your book of life. |