Santa Claus..; extend your helping hand secretly

Christmas father is based on a real person...St.Nicholas. Santa Claus which comes form the Dutch 'Sinterklaas". St.Nicholas was a leader from Myra, in modern-day Turkey in the 4th century A.D. His mother only nursed him on Wednesdays and Fridays, he fasted the remaining days. During his lifetime he adored the poor children and often threw gifts anonymously into the windows of their homes. Nicholas took pity on a poverty stricken family with three daughters who faced the threat of being forced into prostitution because they had no wedding dowries. For the two girls, he crept up their house at night and three bags of gold through bedroom window. For the last daughter ,he threw a bag of gold down the chimney, which landed in a stocking she had set a by the fireplace for drying. But later the family members and people came to know that it was St.Nicholas who keeps the gifts. St.Nicholas wanted to help the poor without their knowledge as Jesus told "let the left hand not known what had done by the right". Since the people knew it St.Nicholas want away from that town and he visited those families and villages when he was old on the eve of Christmas day to give gifts to all namely to the children, with a long white beard,red coat and a bag of (sack) toys. He comes into houses down the chimney at midnight and places presents for the children or places them in front of their houses. Later people came to know that it was St.Nicholas gave the presents. Then every year during the time of Christmas he used to visit his old villages and give gifts to all. Like wise he became the father of Christmas... Santa Claus.
The message of Santa Claus is very hard to practice for us but we are instructed to lead a life as he showed. The message of Charismas Papa is to share your wealth to the poor without their knowledge, so that God may give you reward in the resurrection. We are willing to help the poor but we need to be known, famous or we would like to receive the same love and admiration from the people to whom we help and people around us. The message of Santa Claus is to break your life with all the beings to the poor without their knowledge. |