Christmas Cards... exchanging peace... 
The first Christmas card was designed in London, England in 1843 by
John Callcott Horsley (1817 - 1903), a British narrative painter and a Royal Academician, designed the first Christmas and New Year's card at the suggestion and request of his friend Sir Henry Cole, who was the first director of the Victoria and Albert Museum. Horsley designed the first Christmas card in 1840, but it went on sale only in 1843, They featured the greeting, "A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You." Traditionally Christmas Cards were showed religious pictures-Joseph,Mary and infant Jesus but today the pictures are often jokes, film stars, etc.
Christmas cards have been a part of our Christmas traditions for well over a century. They bring wishes of joy and health of Christmas to those we know and love. Christmas cards give us the opportunity to honor our intentions to "keep in touch" with an old friend or relative by giving them a good tiding that the Saviour is again born in your family too as the good tidings of Jesus’ birth was announced to the poor shepherd by the angels. They bring joy and peace to those who receive them, not just because of a beautiful illustration or inscription, but because we give them a chance to experience the love of God that Jesus wants to born in your family. Normally we do not send cards those who are near by us but those who are far from us ,it shows that we want to celebrate the birthday of Jesus together but we can not and at the same time we remember them not in our merry making but in our prayers and we are united in our prayers. |